3D Printed Ceramics
Ceramics has been integrated with architecture and human life since its invention. These projects study the application of ceramics when created and printed digitally. Using a mix of softwares, scripters, 3D printers ceramic printers, and kilns, the focus began on the exploration of vessels. The collection derives it shape from the classic notion of a pinch pot. With an intent to hold and serve water, the larger pitcher pot has a sloped in surface for the user to literally ‘pinch’ the pot to pour - similarly with the two-handed pinch motion of the smaller tea cup.
The next project explores the architectural element of screening and the treatment of water. The two undulating forms allow for the negative space between the two to make up a gestalt-like pattern of its own while its texture evokes the downward movement of water. As a class, concepts and prototyping units were created for a permanent installation on a site at NC State in coordination with the campus landscape architect, eventually arriving at a design for a unitized screenwall made of two highly variegated vertically-stackable modules. A mock-up testing assembly strategies and glazing options is currently underway